After learning of the 'plot,' he told 'neutrals' that now is not the time to be 'neutral': Imran Khan is a Pakistani politician.

After learning of the 'plot,' he told 'neutrals' that now is not the time to be 'neutral': Imran Khan is a Pakistani politician.:

Imran claimed that he dispatched Shaukat Tarin to explain to the 'neutrals' that now was not the time to remain neutral, since doing so would jeopardise the country's economy.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan stated on Thursday that after learning of what he believes to be a foreign conspiracy against his administration, he warned the "neutrals" that now was not the time to be "neutral."

He said he had told the 'neutrals' to play their part in stopping the conspiracy from happening at an Islamabad High Court (IHC) Bar function today. He dispatched Shaukat Tarin to inform them that now was not the time to remain neutral, since doing so would have disastrous consequences for the country's economy. Imran emphasised that all institutions must play a part in safeguarding the rule of law and democracy, which are currently in jeopardy.

Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif felt that Pakistan was on the verge of a Sri Lanka-style crisis. He argued that the current ruling alliance had no plan to deal with the crisis, that the market did not trust them, and that outsiders were unwilling to provide financial help after learning that they had been imposed on the country and that they did not have public support. He cautioned that if the government continued in this direction, Pakistan would be so weak that if it received a bailout package, it would be subjected to restrictions that would jeopardise the country's sovereignty and independence.

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The PTI chairman said that the country was in a serious economic crisis because of an imported government that was crooked and corrupt, and that the PTI government had set the country on the path to progress and that the economy was growing during his tenure in office. However, he regretted that the ineffective and corrupted government erased the PTI government's hard-won victories within a few months. "As a result, I will shortly issue a call for a powerful show," he declared, urging the lawyers to participate because it was not about politics but about jihad.

He slammed Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, saying that his performance as Punjab's chief minister was only on paper in the form of ads, and that his performance had been exposed in a short period of time.

Imran claimed that the 'imported administration' lacked a strategy and blueprint for rescuing the economy, and that they were suffering from a confidence deficit, as no country was willing to trust the imposed government. He claimed, however, that they were unconcerned about the crippling economy and crippling inflation since public relief was not on their agenda; they were only interested in clearing their reputations from corruption trials and hiring officials of their choosing to rig the next elections.

The former Soviet Union, according to the PTI chairman, did not disintegrate because its military was weak; rather, it disintegrated when its economy collapsed. As a result, he stressed that having free and fair elections was the only way to prevent the country from slipping into a quagmire.

Imran Khan claimed that the coalition government was unconcerned about people's hardships and sorrows, as seen by the frightening increase in petroleum product prices in less than a month, which would raise the prices of everyday things, making people's lives a living hell. He urged Pakistanis to come out of their homes on Sunday at 9 p.m., late in the evening, to hold strong protests against inflation and the enormous rise in gasoline prices in their cities and villages.

Imran reaffirmed that his administration was deposed as a result of a US-backed plot, and that now was the moment to speak up; otherwise, no prime minister would be able to create an independent foreign policy because he would be afraid to face the US menace.

The PTI chairman claimed that he was fighting slavery; otherwise, it would have been much easier for him to agree not to visit Russia, but he defied US pressure and went to Moscow for the welfare of the country. He made it plain that any leaders who stood up for their country's interests would be looked down upon by the rest of the world, just as shoe-polishers would be.

"No one would have pointed fingers at our partner parties and turncoats if they had left us during the Covid-19 pandemic because it was the most difficult time; nevertheless, they quit the PTI administration all of a sudden when the country was on the right track; that is why it was a conspiracy."

He asked attorneys to join the PTI's'real freedom movement,' saying that Pakistan was at a crossroads and that they must play a part in preventing a situation similar to that of Sri Lanka.

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