ETPB Pakistan Jobs 2023
New job openings for managers, assistants, protocol officers, engineers, stenotypists, draughtsmen, patwaris, and other positions have been announced by the Federal Government ETPB Pakistan. Starting today, those who meet the necessary qualifications from a recognised institution, including Primary, Matric, Diploma, and Graduate degrees, are entitled to apply online for these positions. Applications must be submitted electronically through the ETPB site by the closing date of January 13, 2023, if applicable. Applications that are incomplete, late, or written by hand will not be considered. For the written test/interview, only those who have been shortlisted will be contacted. For information about open positions with ETPB Pakistan, qualifying requirements, and other specifications, check the notification below.
Name of Posts, Qualifications & Eligibility
- Managers
- Assistants
- Protocol Officer
- Engineers
- Steno Typists
- Draftsman
- Patwari
- Other