Female Graduates Internship Program Balochistan 2022

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Female Graduates Internship Program Balochistan 2022

Female Balochistan residents/domicile holders are invited to apply online for the Women Development Internship Program. The following are the specifics of the Woman Development Internship programme:


BA/B.Sc. & BS from a HEC-accredited institution;

Age Group: The maximum age is 35 years old.

Minimum Percentage: B.A./B.Sc. & BS with at least (50 percent marks or 2.00 CGPA) in all Balochistan districts except Quetta (60 percent marks or 2.5 CGPA);

Only female applications will be considered.

Special Requirements: You must not have participated in an internship programme sponsored by the government. However, a 1% quota for special / impaired people will be set aside;

Employability Status: You must not work for the government or a private company.

Student Status: You must not be enrolled in any public or private institution as a student.

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How to Apply?

Internship Duration: Because this project/scheme has been accepted by competent forums, employing departments/directorates/organizations must involve interns in their development projects for a duration of six (6) months. 

Furthermore, hiring interns must be a continual process, and the internship time (for the intern) in any given project must not exceed six (06) months.

MONTHLY Stipend: During the internship, a monthly stipend of Rs. 20,000/- would be provided.

The deadline to apply is July 10, 2022.

How to Apply for a Job Online: A Step-by-Step Guide (Click Here how to Apply Online)

If you match the aforementioned requirements, you must apply online by July 10, 2022, using the URL provided below.

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